Transfer Boards: One potential way to slide into independence?

2 min readJun 2, 2022

Written by Stephany Lui, Student Occupational Therapist

Free Image from Pexel

Transfer boards, also called sliding boards, is one piece of equipment that may enable independence for people with limited lower body function. It acts as a temporary bridge between two sitting surfaces, such as a bed or a wheelchair, to optimize a person’s safety when they transfer to their new seat.

The concept of a transfer board may sound simple, but it can take a few trials to find one that works for you as a transfer board can vary in its shape and design! We recommend for our audiences to consult an occupational therapist when acquiring and learning to use a transfer board. By consulting an occupational therapist, you are able to have a conversation on the type of transfer board that works best for your needs.

Original figure by author Stephany Lui, student occupational therapist

In the meantime, here are some things to consider when searching for an appropriate transfer board:

  1. Material

The most common materials found to make transfer boards are wood and plastic. The material determines the weight of the transfer board. You might choose your transfer board differently depending on where and how you are using it. For example, if you have to carry your board around with a wheelchair, you might consider a lightweight plastic board instead of a thick wood board.

  1. Weight capacity

The material, along with the design also determines the weight capacity of the board. The weight capacity is crucial to ensure the user’s safety!. We definitely don’t want the board to break halfway through a transfer.

  1. Hand holes

Some boards have holes built into the board! This is a design feature that can really enable a person’s independence with transferring if they need or want some extra stability with using the board.

Keep in mind that at the end of the day, you want to find equipment that is right for you or the loved ones in your life! If you are interested in consulting an occupational therapist, feel free to use the OT Finder on CAOT’s website for a quick search! We hope this blog post is helpful in your search for a transfer board that is right for your lifestyle!

Stay tuned and see you next time!





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